Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) Research Facilities

Facility AddresS:

SD Mines, CBEC Building
501 East Saint Joseph Street, Rapid City, SD 57701

Visit CBE Facilities website for more information

CNAM-Bio benefits from access to a wide range of chemical and biological engineering research equipment on the South Dakota School of Mining Technology campus.

Key Equipment:

• FT-IR spectrometer with microscope
• FT-IR spectrometer with Attenuated Total Reflection system
• Laser-Raman spectrometerUV-Vis spectrometer
• Gas chromatograph – HP 6890
• Interfacial force microscope
• Simultaneous TGA and DSC thermal analysis instrument (STA) – Setaram system
• AKTA Explorer FPLC Purification System 
• Waters UPLC
• Zetameter size/charge analyzer
• Streaming potential analyzer
• Reverse osmosis filtration unit
• Ultrafiltration/microfiltration units
reaction and seperation engineering
• Combustion synthesis reactors
• SHS reactor
• Supercritical extractor
• Supercritical reactor
Computational resources
• High Performance Computing Cluster – 49 Nodes/568 CPUs; 2100-2600MHz processor speeds
• Software includes Accelrys, Materials  Studio, VASP, LAMMPS, Towhee, Etomica, CHEMKIN, Comsol
• IBM RISC / 6000 workstation, including AspenPlus model manager, AspenPlus speedup, HYSYS (steady state and dynamic process simulator), and HSC software
Process control
• Camile 3000 controller and data acquisition system